Heart Cake

Sure, it looks like an innocent, normal cake…

But there’s a surprise inside!

That’s a cake-within-a-cake; method inspired by Bake It in a Cake — recipe inspired by Chowhound, mostly.

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25 Responses to Heart Cake

  1. Wheeeeeee! This made me squeal with delight. Love it!!! What a delight and a lot of work! Happy early Val’s Day…what a perfect cake for that day…or, as I’m known to say…everyday is a good day for a Bundt! – mary

  2. Jen says:

    I am completely obsessed with this cake. It is so amazing I can’t stand it.

  3. Patti says:

    This is really cool! I wanna make this!!

  4. amy says:

    this is amazing! how did you keep all the hearts straight?

  5. Elisabeth says:

    Beautiful cake! Could you post a tutorial on how you did it?

  6. Isabel says:


    Next time I make one, I’ll take more photos and post a tutorial — but I basically did exactly what Bake It in a Cake did except in bundt form. I made the hearts separately and then put them into the raw batter in the bundt pan. I lined them up with the ridges in the bundt pan so I would know where to cut the cake, but next time I think I’ll make more shapes with less space in between!

    Thanks for your kind words, y’all!

  7. Carlette says:

    It looks amazing!!! well done!

  8. Latoya says:

    This is sooooo cute! I was going to make the cupcakes, but I am seriously considering this version.

  9. Mimi says:

    This is amazing 😀 I would like to see a tutorial, too. I love those things 😉 (*baking something in a cake-things)

  10. Isabel says:

    Thanks so much, everyone!!

  11. Austyn says:

    What kind of frosting is that???

    • Isabel says:

      It’s just a plain powdered sugar glaze. I melted a couple of tablespoons of butter and whisked in powdered sugar and some cream. I may have added a little vanilla too. (I just made it up so I don’t have any measurements or anything, but I’d start with around 3 T butter, 1-2 cups powdered sugar, and 1-2 T cream and adjust from there!)

  12. Austyn says:


  13. Amy B says:

    Have you seen this special pan that makes cakes with a heart center?? http://www.wilton.com/store/site/product.cfm?sku=2105-157
    Yours is a pretty impressive version though…way more complicated 🙂

  14. tammigirl says:

    I live in Northeast Ohio, so invite me over for some of this cake!

  15. Serial says:

    This is effing amazing. I have to do it. INSPIRED!!

  16. brianna says:

    did you used the same recipe for both cakes? did you chill the pink hearts to firm them up before shoving them in? i am so want to make this for my 4 year olds birthday party in a couple of weeks. i keep ooogling over it. i love love love it, but i want to be able to achieve it.

  17. Isabel says:

    tammi, I’m actually in Cleveland, Mississippi, but come on over!

    brianna, I made sure the pink cakes were completely cool before I cut them, but I didn’t chill them. I don’t think that would matter so much, but positioning really matters, so that’s where to take extra care. I’d suggest a trial run before your party if you can make time for that just so you won’t feel nervous about it!

    Thanks again everyone for all the props!! ❤

  18. Sarah says:

    The recipe is down at Bake It in a Cake. Those hearts on the inside are made out of cake as well? Is that right? People over there are talking about Laffy Taffy, and I want to be sure.

  19. Sarah says:

    Wait, I think it’s Laffy Taffy frosting. There still isn’t a recipe though, so if you could just give a rough outline of what you did, that would be great! Thanks!

  20. Isabel says:

    Hi Sarah — the hearts are indeed made of cake, but I didn’t use Bake It in a Cake’s recipe. I just used a plain pound cake recipe inspired by one I found on Chowhound (linked in my original post). Sorry I didn’t take notes when I made it, but if I do it again, I’ll post that info!!

  21. Love this idea… I’m thinking of orange pumpkins in chocolate muffins/bundt cake for fall…

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